What Marketing Tools Do I Need for My Small Business

Mastering marketing means making the most of the myriad tools at your disposal. As a small business owner, you’ll need a handpicked selection designed to dovetail with your unique goals. There are a lot of tools needed…or if you work with...
Darren Walker
Posted On: December 22, 2023
Marketing Tools For Small Business

Mastering marketing means making the most of the myriad tools at your disposal. As a small business owner, you’ll need a handpicked selection designed to dovetail with your unique goals.

There are a lot of tools needed…or if you work with our Software stack we can provide everything you need to market your business at an exceptional price point. To start off two of the most important pieces is going to be an email campaign builder and a CRM system.

You can harness the power of social media management platforms to streamline your online presence.

Don’t neglect the insights that analytics and SEO solutions like Google Analytics can provide; they’re invaluable for understanding your website traffic and improving your online visibility.

You’ll also want a mobile friendly website that can capture and track your website visitors. And for creating compelling content, consider user-friendly design tools.

Remember, the right marketing tools can turn your strategies into success stories.

Key Takeaways

  • Email marketing tools such our Sixo Software Stack, Mailchimp, Constant Contact, Campaign Monitor, ConvertKit, and ActiveCampaign are crucial for small businesses to create user-friendly templates, automate marketing campaigns, and gain insightful reports.
  • Social media management platforms like Hootsuite, Buffer, Zoho Social, Sprout Social, and Agorapulse help small businesses schedule posts, track brand mentions, plan and execute social media campaigns, and keep social media marketing organized and impactful.
  • Analytics and SEO solutions, including Google Analytics, SEMrush, Moz, Ahrefs, and Yoast SEO, are essential for small businesses to track visitor behaviour, improve online visibility, enhance digital marketing strategy, and understand customer behaviour.
  • Our customer relationship management (CRM) software can help small businesses capture leads, manage deals, track email interactions, provide analytics features, and adapt to handle an increasing number of contacts and complex processes.

Essential Email Marketing Tools

In years past you’d need several email marketing tools to effectively manage your small business’s digital campaigns. Getting started with email marketing can be daunting, but the right software simplifies the process. With our software we provide user-friendly templates and insightful reports but we also have the ability to tie your website data, CRM system and Reputation management into one system.

Your marketing team might appreciate the robust features of Constant Contact, which not only handles emails but also aids with social media marketing—all starting at a budget-friendly $12 per month. As your strategies evolve, you may find Campaign Monitor’s email marketing automation capabilities indispensable. This tool offers the sophistication required for a growing business, ensuring that more advanced features are available when you need them.

If you’re focusing on content creation, ConvertKit can be a nice solution designed for you, tailoring its services to professional bloggers and creators. And when you’re ready to integrate lead management with your campaigns, ActiveCampaign’s suite of marketing automation tools offer a seamless experience.

We boast a little when we say this. You don’t need multiple marketing platforms, you just need one and it’s our Software stack.

Social Media Management Platforms

Building on your email marketing toolkit, you’ll find that social media management platforms are equally critical for streamlining your online interactions and growing your brand’s digital footprint. These tools can transform your social media marketing by allowing you to manage multiple social media channels from a single dashboard. For instance, Hootsuite not only helps schedule posts but also tracks brand mentions, making it easier to engage with your audience efficiently.

With a tool like Buffer, you’re equipped to plan and execute your social media campaigns with ease. Its analytics function sheds light on your post performance, helping you refine your strategy. Even if you’re on a tight budget, many platforms offer a free version that still lets you make significant strides in managing your social media posts.

Post-scheduling is a lifesaver when you want to maintain a consistent presence on your social channels without being glued to your devices. Platforms like Zoho Social offer affordable content scheduling options starting at $15 per month. As for Sprout Social, its content calendar feature keeps your social media marketing organized and impactful. Lastly, Agorapulse rounds out your toolkit with comprehensive publishing, monitoring, and reporting tools to ensure your social media efforts are as effective as possible.

Analytics and SEO Solutions

To get a clear picture of your website’s performance, you’ll need to monitor your traffic meticulously.

Understanding how users find you through keyword optimization can significantly boost your online visibility.

Let’s explore the tools that can help you track and improve these crucial aspects of your digital marketing strategy.

Traffic Monitoring Importance

Every successful small business owner knows it’s crucial to monitor website traffic and search engine performance to understand customer behavior and improve online visibility. By leveraging analytics tools like Google Analytics, you can:

  1. Track Visitor Behavior: Analyze how users interact with your site to tailor your marketing efforts and boost engagement.
  2. Enhance SEO Strategy: Identify keywords with high search volume to target for improved organic search results.
  3. Optimize Conversion Rates: Use the insights to refine user experience and increase conversions.
  4. Evaluate Traffic Sources: Understand where your traffic is coming from to focus resources effectively.

Keyword Optimization Strategies

Consistently refining your keyword optimization strategies is crucial, as it directly impacts your website’s search engine rankings and your ability to attract and engage with your target audience.

Integrating keyword research into your content marketing strategy is key to optimizing your content for better online visibility. With a plethora of marketing tools available, tools like SEMrush, Moz, Ahrefs, and Yoast SEO can help you enhance your digital marketing strategy.

When you’re getting started with email marketing or aiming to reach new audiences, understanding the analytics provided by Google Analytics is vital. It gives you insights into which keywords are driving traffic and conversions.

Customer Relationship Management

Efficiency in managing customer relationships is crucial for your small business’s growth, and leveraging the right CRM tools can significantly streamline this process. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software is more than just a contact system; it’s a crucial management platform that can track user behaviour, manage your marketing activities, and help you nurture potential customers through your sales funnel.

Here’s why you need a robust CRM platform:

  1. Lead Management: A CRM helps you capture leads from various channels and organize them. HubSpot CRM, for instance, can track email interactions and manage deals, improving lead nurturing and conversion rates.
  2. Inbound Marketing Alignment: By integrating with inbound marketing efforts, CRM software like Salesforce ensures that you have all customer information synced automatically, helping tailor your marketing to user needs.
  3. Insightful Analytics: Understanding user behaviour is key, and platforms like Zoho CRM provide analytics features that help you make informed decisions and tailor your strategies to meet customer demands.
  4. Scalability: The best tools to grow with your business. As you expand, a good CRM platform can adapt to handle an increasing number of contacts and more complex customer relationship management processes.

Selecting the right CRM is essential; it should align with your business needs and make the management of customer relationships as efficient and effective as possible.

Content Creation and Design

Harness the power of content creation and design tools to captivate your audience and enhance your brand’s online presence. With the right design tools, you can produce visually appealing marketing materials that’ll not only boost brand awareness but also keep your audience engaged.

Canva Business is a go-to for many, offering a user-friendly drag-and-drop editor and customizable templates that help you create everything from a stunning landing page to professional blog posts.

Don’t overlook the importance of high-quality images. Adobe Lightroom provides the editing tools every small business needs for crafting eye-catching photos, complete with tutorials and cloud storage. This means your visual content will always look its best, whether it’s on your website or in a social media post.

For data-driven content, Piktochart enables you to transform complex information into digestible infographics and reports. Meanwhile, Crello’s vast library of templates and images is indispensable for free, diverse visual content creation, including graphics, animations, and videos.

Lastly, Visme’s interactive content tools allow you to craft presentations and infographics that aren’t just informative but also engaging. Together, these content creation and design tools form the backbone of a compelling digital marketing strategy.

Project and Task Management

When it comes to project and task management, you’ll need tools that streamline task delegation and improve efficiency within your team.

Collaboration tools are essential for keeping everyone on the same page, while methods for tracking deadlines ensure that your projects stay on schedule.

Choosing the right platforms can be the difference between chaos and a well-oiled marketing machine.

Task Delegation Efficiency

To effectively manage your team’s workload and enhance task delegation, you’ll need a robust project management tool. Here’s how these tools can help:

  1. Improve Task Delegation Efficiency: Assign and track tasks with ease, ensuring everyone knows their responsibilities, which is crucial for small teams.
  2. Maximize Productivity: Keep your marketing campaigns on schedule and monitor progress in real-time, optimizing team output.
  3. Stay Within Marketing Budget: Management tools come with various pricing, including free trials, so you can find the best fit without overspending.
  4. Streamline Communication: Centralize discussions and files, reducing the need for lengthy meetings and emails.

Collaboration Tools

You’ll need to zero in on collaboration tools that streamline project and task management, keeping your team in sync and your marketing efforts organized. As a small business, finding the right management software is crucial. Options like Asana and Trello offer a dedicated tool with varying views—lists, boards, calendars—which cater to different preferences. Monday.com steps it up with unlimited dashboards for the best analytics and tracking.

Deadline Tracking Methods

For your small business, keeping up with deadlines is crucial, and with tools like Jira and Monday at your disposal, you’re well-equipped to manage projects and tasks efficiently. These tools are part of the essential marketing tools for small businesses, covering a variety of different marketing channels.

Here’s how they can help:

  1. Jira: Customize workflows to streamline your team’s productivity and get started with email marketing campaigns on time.
  2. Monday: Use dashboards to monitor progress and ensure you’re using the right marketing tools effectively.
  3. Asana: View projects in multiple formats to align your different marketing strategies with deadlines.
  4. Trello or Basecamp: Organize tasks visually and collaborate easily, which can help you get started with integrated marketing efforts.

These options encompass free digital marketing tools and various types of marketing tools necessary for a small business’s success.


So what tool(s) do you need? Well the list above is a comprehensive list of all the tools you can use to hit every angle of your small business marketing. But wouldn’t it be great if you only had to open one program? Now you can. Our software solutions come with everything you would need to marketing your local business without breaking the budget.

Remember, strong analytics are your compass, guiding every decision. Keep content sharp and social media buzzing—your business’s voice in the digital crowd.

With this arsenal, you’re set to conquer the marketing world, one click, one post, one sale at a time.


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