Latest Web Site Launched

Over the past couple months I’ve been busy working in the real estate business with a couple clients and managed to complete two websites just recently. One of them was for a local company out in Beaverlodge, Alberta who have been in business s...
Darren Walker
Posted On: March 4, 2015

Over the past couple months I’ve been busy working in the real estate business with a couple clients and managed to complete two websites just recently. One of them was for a local company out in Beaverlodge, Alberta who have been in business since 1994 and decided it was time to update their existing site.

The company itself has had a presence on the web since early 2001 and during that time has gone through multiple design changes and transitions so it was only suiting that they upgrade to the now standard “mobile friendly” design.

Some companies use two different designs completely for this, one for mobile and one for web. Certainly there is nothing wrong with this but if you’re looking to do SEO marketing to it you need to pay more attention as it typically functions as a separate website altogether and this could potentially cause issues down the road with duplicate content penalties.

The Challenge

All Peace Realty Ltd has been serving the Peace Country area since the early nineties. People have come to rely on them for real estate services and advice. In this day and age it’s important to have “fresh” content to keep readers interested not to mention having search engine spiders like Google constantly visiting your site. In this day and age property listing implementation is a must (in my opinion) for any existing or new real estate themed website.

Thankfully the days of creating your own solution from scratch are gone.

The Approach

Tasked with all the information following the first consultation I set out to create a responsive website with MLS listings implemented.

Being my first real estate project it was definitely a learning process but given some time I managed to understand the third party plugin I used with WordPress. My only concern with it was the amount of code bloat it seemed to output which was a problem originally but thanks to the wonderful WP-Rocket plugin it never became an issue.

One of the unique aspects of things I’ve learned over the last half year is just how many important things I’ve missed just being a designer. In the past it was “make something look good” and functional. Now armed with SEO knowledge it’s important to keep in mind things like website speed, linking structures, silo’s etc. All these play an important role in the on site optimization to help your website push itself to rank number one.

The Finish

Having managed to accomplish MLS integration and a responsive design there were a few extras thrown into the mix. Facebook integration is on the website but every listing imported into the All Peace web site will be auto posted to their Facebook page.

During the beta testing of the site I also set up and properly optimized their Google+ local business page. The business itself has a long domain age. That is a nice bonus to have and combined with a optimized Google+ page and on site setup it’s helped them rank #1 for numerous real estate related terms for some of their local communities they cover.


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