It’s been nearly a year since the last Google update to Penguin but with mass hysteria hitting the internet it appears that the latest algorithm update has arrived.
SEO is an ongoing battle and no matter how hard people try to game it Google is always making tweaks and refinements to their search engine to eliminate tactics used to manipulate the system. That’s not to say people like myself do things the wrong way but for a lot of local or smaller based businesses they just aren’t going to outrank sites like Amazon or Zillow…which is precisely why people hire SEO consultants or agencies in the first place.
Unlike web design which is usually just a design and done job, hiring someone to manage your website’s traffic is far more important. There are literally hundreds of thousands of people claiming to be experts in the industry which poses a problem…especially when it comes to roll outs like Penguin. Every so often Google takes it upon themselves to fine tune their search engine and it usually results in mass panic. Penguin 3.0 was no different as I ended up reading reports of people dropping almost 200 spots in rankings when it rolled on the the 17th of October.
Similar to a lot of cases, Penguin appears to be targeting spammy linking techniques. Some of the most notable things people have mentioned are the following:
301 Redirects
One way to manipulate the trust of a website is to use a relevant 301 redirection from an existing website. People with previous penalties have used this technique somewhat successfully but it was only a matter of time before it got blasted.
Automated Link Building
Tools like GSA Search Ranker and Private Blog Networks seem to have been impacted as well. While many previous PBN owners noticed a lot of their sites getting deindexed earlier this summer it seems as if those not careful enough to use these tools have been hit. PBN’s have been a source of great results for as long as I have been doing SEO, unfortunately many who use them don’t realize the care that’s required to pass all these updated. Treat it like a real site and chances are you won’t have much to worry about when updates roll out.
Having read a lot of blogs and comments in regards to web 2.0’s causing the problem everything seems to remain consistent. Web 2.0’s have been hit but if you’re using them to spam random articles to multiple money sites it looks unnatural and Google undoubtedly knows it. If you’re using these to spam your money site you’re highly likely going to get penalized. Your best bet is to again, treat it like a real site, find niche relevant PBN’s, use Domain Authority Stacking, and stop buying gigs off of Fiverr for SEO.
While penalty notices have yet to hit Google Webmaster Tools your best bet is to clean up any problems before the next refresh comes out. While Panda refreshes on a more frequent basis then Penguin there has been rumblings that Google is trying to accomplish the same thing so webmasters aren’t stuck on SEO purgatory waiting to recover from a website penalty. If you are confident in your back linking profile your best bet is to sit tight while we watch the Google Dance.
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