Author: Darren Walker

Reasons Why People Are Leaving Your Website

You’ve written some really compelling copy for your website. Your product images are polished. Your overall site design is professional. And thanks to marketing initiatives like these ones, you’re getting…
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Major Google Update Coming

For years now, mobile usability has been a factor in Google’s search algorithm. Sites that are optimized suitably for use on mobile devices rank higher than their non-optimized counterparts, even…
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Latest Web Site Launched

Over the past couple months I’ve been busy working in the real estate business with a couple clients and managed to complete two websites just recently. One of them was…
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Performing a Website Audit

It wasn’t long ago when I realized the importance of optimizing every element on every webpage I put up on the internet. Since setting up shop I’ve been asked a…
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Canada Set To See Google Pigeon Update

Having launched earlier this year in the United States, Google’s local ranking algorithm is set to make its way to Canada, the UK, Australia and all other English speaking locales.…
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Showoff Your 7-Pack

Personal fitness is almost as big as the marketing industry. When it comes to one’s body who doesn’t want a 6-pack? As a local business owner, we talk about 3-packs…
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Responsive Web Design in SEO

A few days ago I wrote about why a lot of businesses and customers are losing out on leads because they lack a mobile friendly website. For those that choose…
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